Dave McDonald is the NMW Administration Manger, responsible for The Contemplation Building and management of all the NMW’s commemoration and associated social activities.

Peter Brennan, is the NMW Curator, responsible for the trees and grounds maintenance. This dedicated group of willing and able (some disabled) volunteers, give loving attention to the continuous maintenance tasks.
Every Monday morning from 6.00 to about 10.00 am, they work to cut lawns, rake leaves spread mulch, clear drains, water the gardens, trim the over 1,000 trees and hedges and other innumerable grounds maintenance tasks as well as the care of the Contemplation Building.
Some men have specialist skills and functions (Name them) Mal Black and Trevor Pond are our mechanical workshop maintenance men
For those on “light duties” other tasks related to the Contemplation Building’s cleanliness and care of the memorial plaques is completed.
Owen Pewey performs the living memorial task of placing a remembrance poppy for the anniversary date of death for each man on the Roll of Honour alongside his name.
The two resident RAR Battalions at Gallipoli Barracks, 6 RAR and 8/9 RAR provide additional “heavy work” assistance as requested.
Greg Decker is our very able Projects Manager. Like all military Quarter Masters he declines to reveal his many sources of contacts and suppliers.
The morning tea that follows is a keen social event and chinwag.
Keep track of DA’s weekly activities on their facebook site here.