Update from Liz Cosson AM CSC Secretary Department of Veterans’ Affairs to ESORT members for distribution

As you know we have been working closely with a number of supermarket chains to ensure vulnerable veterans can access a range of priority assistance services from supermarkets when purchasing online or shopping in-store.
While the Gold Card is not a concession card it does identify our most vulnerable veterans, and war widows, of which there are over 120,000 across Australia.
From today, Gold Card holders are eligible to access the priority services offered by Coles, IGA, Foodworks and Woolworths.
The services being offered include priority online ordering, home delivery, in-store collection and access to a range of boxed basic grocery items which is delivered by Australia Post.
More detail on the offerings from each supermarket can be found at the following links:
Coles https://www.coles.com.au/customernotice/onlinepriorityservice.
Foodworks https://foodworks.com.au/homedelivery
Woolworths https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/discover/priorityassistance
While Gold Cards may not be identified on landing pages (as we are waiting for updates to the websites), the DVA Gold card is listed or can be included when completing the online registration process.
We will be providing more information to veterans about these initiatives through our usual communication and social network channels. But I would appreciate your assistance in highlighting these services to your members.
I am pleased with this outcome and thank you all for your patience.
Liz Cosson AM CSC Secretary Department of Veterans’ Affairs |