Easter is normally for all Australians a joyful time of rest, relaxation and family gatherings. It is a Govt gazetted holiday specifically to provide opportunity for people to reflect and participate in traditional Easter religious services reminding us of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
COVID 19 has starkly interrupted all of this. Understandably, many in our community have concerns, even despair. about health , employment and financial sustainment, let alone the restrictions on travel and gatherings. Many other parts of the world are facing catastrophe.
Politicians and commentators are relating this time, to a time of war. Indeed one of my sons in uniform is part of an Army force assisting police in sealing the Qld borders. Darkness looms over many in the world. The world as we knew it has changed.
Fascinatingly, the story of Jesus’ has particular relevance to us at this time . Rather unjustly , Jesus suffered and was killed off, but he resurrected to bring in new era in world history, and a spreading movement of people promoting forgiveness, love, peace and charity.
May we all be Easter people at this time May we be people of Hope, uplifting our community to new levels of social connection, and show unrestricted charity to those in need..The only way forward for our society to come through this crisis is to put aside any preoccupation with self, and embrace the practical love of all .
Jesus values and teachings underpinned the founding of our nation and remain relevant today. May the light of Christ dispel any darkness you are experiencing. May God bless you and may you be a blessing to all you meet.
With Love from Your RAR Association National Padre Gary Stone