President’s Message

Another month gone, it seems like only yesterday that I wrote the last Report. I suppose that means we are getting older quicker!
The RARAQ still exists even though, like other Bn Associations, recruiting is at a standstill. It is a serious subject and one that needs serious action. I am in the throes of preparing a concept paper to increase the awareness of the good the Associations do for the soldier of all ranks and, importantly, their families. My main aim is to give them a sense of belonging within the Regimental Family and the history and legends that has evolved since the birth of the RAR in 1948. I can only see this happening through the education of the IET, NCO promotion courses along with progression of officer promotion requirements. A big ask but well worth a try. I have spoken to many of my compatriots who agree that somehow we attained this knowledge as we progressed in our careers. The reason for this project is that recently when at the National Memorial Walk Ted and I hosted some new march in SNCOs including Warrant rank and new officers to their Infantry battalion we found that their general knowledge of the Regiment and the Walk was , to say the least, minimal.
The Association is very much involved in our basic work of what is now called “open arms” (well-being) and continue to assist where necessary. Our Passing Parade continues to grow and we have farewelled many of our old and bold. Given our general age it is the way of nature.
All one can do is to stay healthy care for ourselves and our mates
Remember RUOK?
Till next time travel safe and stay well
Dave McDonald
Anzac Day Activities Report
Dawn Service at 8/9 RAR
A sad case this year because of security restrictions precluded access to Gallipoli Barracks. The only way in was through Lloyd St and if you did not have a pass you had to get processed at the guard house which on average takes at least ten minutes per person. The reason given was heightened security in the wake of the Christchurch and Sri Lanka attacks.
However, The Eighth Ninth Battalion came to the rescue again and invited Dad’s Army to their Service. It was simple, respectful and sincere and it was good to see the unit on parade. The coffee royale and the gold coin breakfast went down a treat.
Over at the NMW Ted Chitham felt it appropriate to at least conduct a soldiers five abridged service there that included the Remembrance Prayer, the Ode to the Fallen, Laying a Wreath, The Last Post, the Rouse, raising the Australian flag and playing the Australian and New Zealand National anthems. This “lone sentry” was joined by four families from the Barracks’ minor units who preferred to stay rather than go elsewhere. Duty Done.
Brisbane City March – Alan Price’s Report
ANZAC Day 2019 was a very special and at the same time, sad day for me. On 22 April 2019 I was asked to lead the Royal Australian Regiment Association, Queensland Branch (RAR Assoc, Qld) because for various reasons, the president and others could not march. I gladly accepted this honour because 4 RAR was the “Duty Association” for 2019. It was expected that the duty association would provide the guest speaker for the traditional Dawn Service, provide the banner bearers for the RAR Assoc and provide the guest speaker for the RAR birthday celebration. This year was different in that because of imposed security restrictions regarding entry to the Gallipoli Barracks, it was deemed too restrictive to conduct the service. We were however, invited to the 8/9 RAR and 6 RAR Dawn Services.
The occasion was sad because two days prior to ANZAC day I lost my dearly beloved eldest daughter, Sharna, Lee-Anne Rowe to cancer leaving behind a son, daughter and two granddaughters. Sharna served for a short time with 126 Signals Squadron, Royal Australian Signals Corps (Special Forces) as a cypher clerk. I marched for her.
Greg Decker, the secretary of the RAR Assoc, Qld arranged for 4 members of 6 RAR led by PTE Alex Burgess to carry the RAR Assoc, Qld banner. Their dress bearing and good manners were beyond reproach and displayed the motto of Duty First in sharing the day with us. Our patron, LTCOL Brian Avery proudly led the 4 RAR contingent in my stead immediately behind the RAR banner. Next year by rotation, we will be at the rear but still marching “beside” our comrades within the RAR contingent.
Most unit associations were down in numbers this year and 3 RAR failed to appear but the 6 RAR Assoc appeared to have the most members on parade which was good to see.
What was also good to see was the Brisbane based units of 6 RAR and 8/9 RAR. It made me want to sign on again but I would probably be rejected owing to a wheel chair being part of my CES some days now. Who knows, but after an impending operation I may be able to run, down, crawl, observe, aim and fire again. It is a shame that our soldiers cannot wear uniform after the march as do the RAN and RAAF but they can still be distinguished by their dress and bearing, in a suit or in jeans.

We are all getting a bit long in the tooth now but we were supplemented by many of the younger generation of RAR warriors marching beside us and those in spirit with whom we marched.

The National Memorial Walk
Dads’ Army

Dads’ Army under the supervision of Peter Brennan (Curator) and Dave McDonald (Administrator) continue to keep the Walk in good shape. The recent rains have
With Margaret Gibbons chrysanthemums in bloom the place is a picture.
The same old, same old turn up every Monday and go about their business with little needed direction from big Pete. Things get done and all looks good by smoko with a well-earned cuppa, superb cakes from Margaret Deveraux and a chat. Although the “chat” won’t be as loud for a couple of weeks as Owen P is going on holidays, really Owen your banter is appreciated. Have good time away.
As well as the ongoing maintenance at the moment we have a couple of projects to finish. One is the area around the new plinths. To give you a bit of an idea one option is to have box drains at the back and the front bordering the pavers with a spoon drain in the centre probably lined with decorative gravel and coated with epoxy so it can just be hosed out to clean. But remember this is done by the committee. History reminds us that a committee sat down to design a horse and came up with a camel. So one never knows! The other project is to install underground sprinkler systems in the grassed areas especially at Diggers Rest.
Dave & Pete
NMW Curators
Since the Walks construction we have been blessed with the dedication and success of our Curators: Kiwi and Margaret Gibbons, Paul Gallagher and now Peter Brennan. Each has brought to the Walk a vision to enhance it. Their commitment to the task has been outstanding.
All have been successful in keeping the Walk as a showpiece to be included on the itinerary of visiting military dignitaries and in 7 Brigade’s Orientation Program for senior school students considering a military career.
Thank you
21 May | HQ 7 Combat Brigade’s Schools Work Experience Program visit to NMW |
06 Jun | 6 RAR Birthday (1965 Enoggera) |
07 Jun | Rifleman’s Lunch at Mooloolaba Surf Club at noon |
10 Jun | RARAQ Management Committee Meeting |
13 Jun | Kilcoy Cup – RAR Diggers Support |
25 Jun | HQ 7 Combat Brigade’s Schools Work Experience Program visit to NMW |
05 Jul | Rifleman’s Lunch at Mooloolaba Surf Club at noon |
08 Jul | RARAQ Management Committee Meeting |
19 Jul | Tri Service Korean War Veterans Lunch Broad Beach Bowling Club TBC |
30 Jul | HQ 7 Combat Brigade’s Schools Work Experience Program visit to NMW |
24 Jul | DADS Army Yule Tide in Jul TBC |
02 Aug | Rifleman’s Lunch at Mooloolaba Surf Club at noon |
05 Aug | RARA QLD AGM & Combined RAR Battalion Associations’ Meeting at 9.30 am at the Commander’s Mess |
Weekly Event. Every Monday 6.00 – 9.00 am Dad’s Army at the NMW. All welcome
Our Country is in mourning, for
A Warrior’s Farewell
Go now and travel beyond the void
Seek the green column and when you meet
See once more those smiling faces
Hear again laughter and sounds of marching feet
No more the visions of the bloody past
Gone are the nightmares and lingering pain
Soon you will be home at long, long last
United with fallen comrades once again
And when the final roll is called
Another page of history complete
You will rest with brave spirits such as they
In a camp where you will find restful sleep
Go swiftly now and seek your past
Your duty done for all to tell
With pride of who and what you were
And now we bid you a fond farewell
George Mansford – December 2007

Check your Mates

Please check your mates as a standard procedure. There are some who find it difficult to cope due to a number of factors, mainly they are alone so reach out to a mate and ask RUOK: one phone call can make a huge difference.
The Operation Compass program has proven to be very effective, Check it out and see their videos here
Note that the RARA supports Trojans Trek, Veterans Care,Overwatch Australia and Survive to Thrive
DVA 2019 Client Satisfaction Survey

“The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) is currently preparing for 2019 Client Satisfaction Survey, which will be held in June/July this year.
DVA – Men’s Health Peer Education (MHPE)
This program raises awareness about men’s health issues and encourages men to share responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

The latest issue of Men’s Health Peer Education Magazine available online is published twice a year
It began as a result of the Vietnam Veterans’ Health Study revealing a higher rate of health issues among Vietnam Veterans. The program operates across all Australian states and territories, through a network of trained volunteers working with the veteran and ex-service community.NATIONAL ADVOCACY NEWS

The RAR Association National, advocates to Government to protect the service entitlements and well-being of the Defence Family (current and past serving military persons and their families). It does this directly in its own right as well as through the Alliance of Defence Service Organisations (ADSO). By being represented on the PM’s Advisory Council on Mental Health PMAC (Mike von Berg), DVA’s ESO Round Table (ESORT) (Mike von Berg), the Younger Veterans Forum (YVF) (Phil Thompson) and the Operations Working Party (OWP)(Clem Russell) we have direct input into DVA

ADSO has released it’s 2019-2022 Policy Objectives and asked the political parties to give us their 2019 Federal Election Veterans’ Policies and those specifically related to our objectives. To be successful we need your support. Even though these objectives may have no benefit to you personally NOW, they do to others of our Defence Family such as the:
- 235,000 military superannuants administered by the Government protected Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC);
- 110,000 MSBS members who have preserved benefits that are poorly indexed and not receivable until their notional retiring age and not portable to another complying Superannuation Fund;
- DFRDB Superannuants 98% (55,000) who commuted;
- Widows/Widowers whose reversionary payment 5/8ths of the deceased spouses superannuation pension is unfair;
- 27,000 TPIs whose disability payments have been severely eroded;
- 90,000 veterans whose disability payments have been eroded, and
- 290,000 DVA clients.
We hope that being part of our Defence Family you will be supportive in whatever way you can.
ELECTION 2019 – RSL NSW Veterans’ Policy Debate – 13 May 2019

This Federal Election Veterans’ Policy Debate between the Minister for Veterans Affairs, Darren Chester MP, and the shadow Minister for […]
Watch the video here
DFWA Media Statement – Faceless Bureaucrats Change the Law to Beat Wounded Veterans in Court

Veterans medically discharged, including all those with mental health wounds and at risk of self-harm, can receive an Invalidity Benefit […]
RCB Recognition – Update 3/2019
Legal Conference

Arising from the telephone conference meeting with our barrister it was decided that as there will likely be a new Minister after the election we need to put our case to that person afresh before taking the legal path. This is because the courts would not take kindly to suing somebody who has previously had nothing to do with the decisions against us. To that end our legal team is preparing a brief for the incoming Minister.
To stay current with RARA events and actions that may affect you and your family we suggest you frequently visit our RARA National website and RARA facebook site and our own RARA Qld site
The Enews will be issued quarterly. We welcome your suggestions for content and improvements, so don’t be shy and send us articles for publication to Greg Decker Secretary RAR Association (Qld) [email protected] Duty First
18th May 2019