The 3 RAR Memorial Garden Commemoration Service was held on a rainy 22nd March 2021 day in the NMW Contemplation Building with Padre Lionel Orreal (8/9 RAR) conducting the Service. Over 50 people attended including the NMW Patron Major General Stuart Smith AO CSC, a contingent from North Queensland led by Bob Dabinett, who was instrumental in funding the Garden, 3 RARC Brisbane members and Dads’ Army.
It was a fitting and historic event for Mick Servos (now 95 years old), the man who initiated the proposal for the National Memorial and with 3 RAR Association and RARA Qld saw its completion, to officially unveil the memorial plaque set in the Garden. It was a pleasure to see the Servos family (all four generations of them) present. Mick was escorted by his grandson Dane Christison (past 5/7 RAR: a veteran of service in East Timor and Iraq) and his granddaughter Naomi with her two sons Martin and Tobie. It was a grand and meaningful day.
This Memorial Garden commemorates all who have served, are currently serving and will in the future serve with “Old Faithful”

The Garden was jointly funded by 3 RAR Corporation (3 RARA) and the RAR Corporation. The construction was managed by the NMW Project Officer, Greg Decker and the garden planted by Dads’ Army.
The Garden features four rows of plants whose flowers feature the Regiment’s colours of red and green: Rusellia, Poinsettia, Rosemary and a white/purple border of cuphea. An additional Remembrance shrub is Brunsfelsia (better known as Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow)